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Re: Ouya

Earlier last year, a KickStarter project named Ouya was taking ground, it has now been mobilized into a console set to release this year. The console only contains digital, free to play games. Shattered Games will be taking part in this new console by rewriting all the code on our previous games to work on the Ouya. In addition, we will be releasing a Ouya Suite, a set of titles devoted to making use of every bit of the Ouya’s hardware to run amazing games. We will take our games to new areas; Multiplayer, Free-Roam, Sandbox, more in depth and longer play-ability, and all new mechanics.

To cope with this change, we have added a new Jobs page for you to visit and apply!


See you soon gamers!

Quick update

Games have been delayed due to some hardware limitations which have been seen to be fixed this week, so we can continue work on future games and better test and expand our games. A post regarding the whole story will be up later this week, be on the look out for DLC, larger worlds, and more expansive games! Thanks everybody.

Work on Radiation continues

Work on our new game Radiation is still in the works. Please fill out the form in our previous post to test the game for free. Tester feedback is helping the direction of our game. It is a FPS and more than likely will be released for free. There’s also the possibility to test our game to twitter tweeting possibilities. This will be a socially engaging game involving twitter and Facebook. Be on the look out for screenshots and videos!


The domain URL is not owned by us, nor are we affiliated in any way with the owner of the site or content they post. Games on the site are not games we make.

We currently do not own a web domain as a wordpress domain is working perfectly with all the tools we would ever need. So please take note any content on is not our content.



Andrew – Lead Developer

Testers Wanted!

We are working on a new FPS, with an improved engine, improved graphics, and improved AI, this time you are fighting Zombie Spidiscorps, a mutated radiation accident. The game will not be released soon and is in Pre-Alpha phase, however, to continue our development of the game, we would like a better direction with user input. AI balancing is difficult without knowing the base skill level. So, if you would like to partake in testing our game, fill out the form after reading the following guidelines.

Once accepted into the testing program, you may NOT distribute copies of the game digitally or any means otherwise share it. You must play it for testing purposes, and provide actionable feedback, so that we may better fix the game while working on it. If you do share the game, post pictures or videos without pre-approval from Shattered Games, your copy will be remotely deactivated as well as shared copies. You will also be banned from the program. Please just help us out and give us feedback on what you would like fixed. IE: “The spawns could be a little more spread out” etc.